Un Petit Message
Another busy week filled with countless adventures has passed by. We have two new amis! The one we already started teaching is a beautiful Nigerian princess named....wait for it.... Beauty! She is very anxious to learn and loves reading the scriptures. I love her so much (unless she makes me eat pepper soup. That is not okay). Please pray for her to continue progressing (same with Charlie!). Thank you for the prayers you've already given! Je vous apprecie!!
- Tracting in a pencil skirt = bad juju
- Wearing your "Ello Keety" socks to church and showing them off to the primary girls is the easiest way to get them to beg their parents to invite the missionaries over :)
- Africans clap really loud after musical numbers in church. And it's hilarious.
- Kissing everyone's cheeks is awkward. It's even more awkward when you graze the tip of someone's nose with yours and you have to pretend like it didn't happen because that would enter into a realm of awkwardness so awkward that it would literally cause the environment around you to implode.
I don't really have much time to expound on funny stories or cool experiences, but I do want to share yet another piece of wisdom that the mission has taught me this week. If you know me personally, you know that I've always been an intense person. I always sought out perfection, regardless of what people have said to me, what, with this whole, "nobody's perfect" business.
Well, guess who was finally humbled to absolute dust this week. God did not intend for any of us to be perfect: That's why we're here. I had to accept that I didn't speak the language perfectly, that I'm timid, that I'm always going to have that one zit in the most inconvenient spot on my face, that I'm not always going to be focused on the task at hand, and that I'M A HUMAN BEING. I have let so many tiny aspects well up and discourage me from opening my mouth and doing to the work. It was debilitating.
There is a quote from Dieter F. Uchtdorf that I love:
"Do not heed the counsel of your fears."
Just don't do it! Your fears, like mine have to me, will cripple you and prevent you from rising to your full potential. Be aware that you WILL make mistakes, but that IT'S NOT A BIG DEAL.
Life is good. I have a friend that always told me that, even when it was exceptionally awful at the moment. You have the power to accept your shortcomings and overcome them. I used to hate when people told me that because it sounded so cheesy. But, it is so true. Seriously. It is. Like, yeah.
I love you all (especially my daddy, Happy Father's Day!!). Thank you for your support in this. I'm trekking forward for you. BISUOUS.
Sœur Green