Transfer day was long, but awesome; I left my camera, but I will show you proof of it's awesomeness next week. It involves Spaniards on a train ride to Lyon. I'm going for my third round in Clermont-Ferrand, except my Fin was replaced by a Germ. Die Legende geht weiter!! My companion's name is Sœur Grünke and she's from Frankfurt. She's been in France for six months but her French is incredible, so I'm planning on being fluent by the end of these next six weeks haha. This past week was really crazy: We had so many miracles coming out our ears! We hope to see a baptism this transfer amongst our Congolian friends or Dominican Republican friends. We will teach an actual French person as well....I have a feeling it's coming.....
- German fact of the week: The German flag is SYMBOLIC: It goes from black to red to gold to represent moving from the dark times, the blood of war, and into the golden times. Mind blown.
- Sweden...AH! I'm moving there!
- There is a disease in Australia called "dangy fever" and holy moses, I think I had it for a week. I must have contacted an Australian. Still alive, however. God bless modern medicine.
I'm so excited for life. I get to start yet another transfer in the beautiful country of France. Because I have this temporal sense of invincibility and confidence, I want to be a little bold with the world today, especially with our members. (Brace yourself.)
I've been taught a few things from my mission experiences. Some verbally from my leaders, others from trial and error. I will preface this by saying NONE of us are perfect, and no one expects us to be. That said, I want to address to all Mormons everywhere the importance of your influence on others. For example, say I'm a French person going through a tour of America and I happen to stop by Salt Lake City to know more about those crazy Amish Mormons that I've seen credible documentaries about on night-time television. For members, what do you want that French person to notice about you? Are you kind? Are you charitable? Are you clean in your speech and actions? Are you RESPECTFUL and sensitive to others' backgrounds? Do you live by the standards that you covenanted with God to keep for as long as you live? If you have answered sometimes or no to any of the following, then what are you going to change starting now? Don't let your personal interview with God after this life be something that you dread. The world is your audience, even when you think no one is looking.
This week, I've had to deal with some drama among some of the members of our church that stopped coming eventually because of the judgments and behavior of others. Don't be the cause of that yourselves. This is Christ's church. Appreciate the opportunity you have to take upon His name.
Peace and love, my friends. I wanted to pretend I was Jeffery R. Holland this week because I get very few opportunities to do so. It's fun. I testify of that :) Even though it's hard sometimes to stay in line, let's all love each other and be happy. Take care of yourselves this week!!
Sœur Green