Monday, September 9, 2013

How I Learned to Love "Suffering with Patience"

If I can be frank with you wonderful people, I feel as though a semi has driven over me, backed up, and then parked itself on top of my mangled corpse. Picture this for a moment.

This week was a wonderful chain of no-show appointments, awkward lessons with the people that actually did meet with us, and debilitating fevers. My companion and I stood in a baptismal font and scrubbed it down for a hour and a half with really strong chemicals and with no windows open, so I guess we were asking for it, haha. 

The miracles were still there though, despite the digging we had to do to find them. Aline, the one who dropped us temporarily, has re-fixed a baptismal date!! And Lorena is progressing quicker than she used to. They both have baptismal dates for the 28 this month (best birthday present ever!). Thank you so much for your prayers. They mean the world to me!


  • Muslims deserve a change in their sub-percentage I gave them earlier. 8% are truly polite and respectful of our beliefs, even if they aren't interested, the other 2% just kind of look at us like they can shoot lasers from their eyeballs. Either way, I actively seek them out now.
  • Mussels look like angry Pac-men and taste like salt water :) miam miam!
  • Scrubbing a baptismal font in a skirt will make you feel like the main character in "Spirited Away". I apologize if you aren't familiar with the awesome movie I am referring to.
  • If you contact a man from Punjab that is grandkid-hungry, chances are he'll invite you to his house to meet his two sons....that live next door to us.....

While I was flipping through the Book of Mormon during personal study one morning looking for scriptures to share with our investigators, I happened upon several that fell into the same theme. I swear, on every page I turned to, there was a verse I had highlighted before that said something along the lines of, "be patient in thy afflictions and the Lord will send blessings." 

God is obviously not subtle when He wants me to change my behavior, I suppose. I have a confession: this perfect missionary has trouble with patience (good thing I've been working on humility). 

When I ask God for answers to my questions about what I should do or help with something that seems really hard at that moment, I realize that it's kind of an empty-headed thing to do... demanding God for all these things and not considering the reasons WHY you're in the situation you are or that you're in the process of learning the things you're confused about. I only have a glimpse at what He sees.

Patience. I think that word is beautiful, both in English and French. 

I feel like that little kid at Disney World that has to wait in line for an hour to get on the tea cups. An hour to an adult (which is what I'm supposed to be) is like an eternity in child years. And right now, I feel like I've been waiting an eternity for the light at the end of the tunnel. But paaaatience. I have to remind myself of that. God is seeing how far He can stretch my impatient self with these investigators that keep pushing their date back and others who tell us they can't see us. Patience. That's my two-cents for the week.

Keep being the amazing people you are, especially those of you who are already patient. You are wonderful examples to me. 

Je vais envoyer plusiers bisous à vous cette semaine. Merci, vraiment!

Sœur Green

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