First of all, happy birthday to my kid-brother who's now 16. Yeah, totally remembered that your birthday was two weeks ago and realized that I'm a crappy sister. I give you permission to sell all my things on ebay to make up for it. Love you, Trev.
- My new favorite thing to make for people: Cookie Jars. Make a bunch of small cookies and put them in a jelly jar and then you have the perfect thing to endear people with. I want to be baking on Grandma status by the end of my mission!!
- According to my old companion: Turtles cry when they're sad. Like, with tears.
- According to my new companion, who just finished serving with another Mexican: Mexicans have serious issues with other Mexicans who try to tell them what to do. I think it's hilarious.
Shortly after this experience, we walked by a row of apartment buildings and heard a child crying. We looked around and found a toddler screaming for his mother by the backdoor of one apartment with a stoic father behind him looking down at him crossing his arms. I was so anxious to leave Switzerland. There were things I saw that I really wish didn't happen.
Arriving in Annecy was a relief, but for some reason, I was just hit with so many insane situations within a couple of days that I never saw up until this point. My companion was contacting an angry, smoking man who decided that it would be okay to grab me and start putting his mouth on my face (yeah, that's all I care to say. I'm still angry about it); That evening, we taught a 60 year old woman from Africa who told us her mother was 11 years older than her; The next evening, we were followed home by a man for 20 minutes and we had to hide behind a building until he gave up; And, because life decided that I didn't have enough adventure for one week, I was almost robbed by a gypsy on the way home from church who started to grab at my coat and my scarf, telling me that her fully-dressed, content child standing next to her was cold and needed things to keep her warm. GAHHH!!! WHY NOW???
There's something to be said about innocence. Not necessarily "ignorance," but a sense of comfort and trust in your surroundings and the people around you. It is a blessing. I wouldn't say that I want to erase the memories of what have happened, because there is a reason for every experience we have. I'm also not saying that I've seen the worst of it, because that would be ignorant to claim. But, it's been a labor to keep an optimistic, soul-searching attitude after the experiences that I've had recently.
I can't express fully or competently the gratitude I have for the knowledge of the teachings of Christ. The longer I live and the more I learn, the more I realize how crucial it is to remember the reason of why we are here and the purpose for the things we experience in this life. I love my Savior and the knowledge of the love He has for us. We have to remember that He has experienced these things LONG before we have. It is a test in this life to overcome the natural reaction to the things that happen, even if you don't understand the reason for them. I have a testimony of that. I can tell you with confidence that there is a light at the end of every tunnel if you are willing to walk the distance.
I love you all. Keep being the wonderful examples that you are.
Sœur Green
Sœur Green