How I Learned to Love MORNINGS. *Queue Angel Voices*
Sœur Hiltunen and I are staying for another six weeks in Clermont-Ferrand, this time ready to baptize. We've been able to get two less-active members out of their homes and to sacrament meeting on Sundays, so we know that God has been hiding a lot of miracles around here.
I'm truly grateful to stay here another month and a half. There's so much to get done and we're glad to know that none of it will get neglected. This ward is incredible (although there are a couple members that make awkward comments about this one guy in the ward to me..."CAN'T YOU SEE THIS WOMAN IS A NUN?")
- Maria is going strong and her family is a strong support for her. Thank you for your prayers.
- Finnish Fact: The Finnish language does not use prepositions. For example, my companion will be telling me a lovely story in English about this one time her friend was stressing out and she, "threw up to a bush." Even more common, we will be planning and she will give the great suggestion that we should, "do service to someone." The list goes on.
- I am really good at tripping over the tips of my shoes. God-given talent.
- Another talent I've acquired: saying the wrong things. All the time. Seriously, it's incredible.
Something weird that I've noticed about my daily routine is that I have to really control what I think in the morning. That determines how the entire day is going to go down. True story. I have been giving my brain too much room in the morning to fill itself with all the embarrassing moments, all the regrets, all the stupid things that I've done before and during my mission, all the rude things people have said, all the times I've been judged, compared, hurt, EVERYTHING THAT COULD POSSIBLY PREVENT ME FROM BEING AN EFFECTIVE, HAPPY MISSIONARY. It's always the morning too. Once I make through studies and lunch without any bad thoughts, I'm home free. Life is good.
Think about how important it is to prepare yourself in the morning for everything you need to do and the way you need to do it. It's such a great feeling being able to wake up and think of what you get to accomplish. I have dreaded mornings, literally, my entire life. But think about all you can get done in the morning and how that changes the rest of your day. You get to decide how your are going to react to the world and what you get to do in the spectrum of your own power. Mornings really are a blessing. Never in my life did I think I would write that.
Have a great week! Take care of yourselves.
Sœur Green
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