Monday, May 19, 2014

Dropping a Word From My Homegirl, Mama T

This week was interesting, to say the least. Our investigators are all going through rough patches at the same time. The two kids we are teaching are understanding the lessons really well, but one of them has no support from his family and the other has too much, which means he's feeling pressure rather than the desire actually coming from him. Another one, and I cannot believe this, lost contact with his family in Africa after his father got assassinated at a political event. Scary. Sœur Grunke and I are kind of at a fork in the road where we need to start making some big decisions to either continue pestering them with our calls and appointments or letting them focus on other things for a while. It's not easy letting go of people, especially when you've seen principles of the gospel help them already. I'm going to call this following week "prayer week," because, for now, that seems like all we can do within the spectrum of our own power.


  • I can jump pretty high…I will include evidence along with this.
  • Standing on a mountain for an hour and then going indoors will make your hands burn. Badly.
  • Trying to teach a ten year old about the gospel after three hours of church will not go well. FACT.

I'm going to jump right into the spiritual stuff by sharing a quote from one of my biggest inspirations in history.

"God loves a cheerful giver. She gives most who gives with joy. The best way to show our gratitude to God and the people is to except everything with joy." -Mother Teresa

I am NOT a perfect example of this, unfortunately. However, I can think of several amazing ones (and I will refrain from using Christ because that's the five year old kid obvious answer). I think of Thomas S. Monson. I think of my mother. I think of those who had influenced me so much in my adolescent years. I think of the one missionary from Scotland who had been through so much in her life, but still laughs about everything. THEY'RE EVERYWHERE!! My forced profound message today is to keep the trend going. The world is a lot cooler with people like that in it's population.

Peace, mis amigos. Go be Mother Teresas!

Sœur Green

We got to plant potatoes with this happy couple on Wednesday.
Farm work brings warmth to my soul.

Went for a lil' hike today.  Felt like we were on the Great Wall of China.

Be a MAN!!!

Sorry, family. I'm still not going to marry young...but this little one is really cute.

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