Tuesday, July 15, 2014

I've Only Got Five Minutes Before We Go to the Train Station, so....

I've Only Got Five Minutes Before We Go to the Train Station, so....

This has probably been the most stressful day I've had in a while, so I'll briefly tell about the miracle week we had before today, haha. I've only got five minutes before we go to the train station, so....
Highlight number 1: We just got a referral from the sisters in Bordeaux......and guess where this girl is from. Yeah. Deutschland, baby.
Highlight number 2: We celebrated Bastille Day with our dear buddy, Sœur Korpal. We got permission to stay and watch the fireworks until twelve. 

Highlight number 3: We had an older couple come to church on Sunday and they want us to come over anytime. And they are totally normal, kind people! They don't want our money or to talk about America. They are actually interested in the gospel!!!!!
Kay. Gotta go. Love you all. Peace and blessings. Sœur Green

Yay France! And Germany! And America!

Got a high five from the cutest kid in the world basically. Be jealous.

Worst photo I've taken on my mission...but evidence of our joy...

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