Monday, August 19, 2013

How I Learned to Love Balance (and probably re-learned since I don't keep track of these cheesy titles)

How I Learned to Love Balance (and probably re-learned since I don't keep track of these cheesy titles)

Hit a plateau this week. Last week was fantastic. We had engaged two people to be baptized within 24 HOURS OF EACH OTHER. Yeah, we were feeling pretty much like the miracle team of Eysines, but this week we hit two really hard road blocks. One's anxiety and the other is doubt. I don't think they realize how normal their feelings are. We're helping them try to understand that it's normal to ask questions and seek answers to things they don't understand. If I could get any prayers from America for Lorena and Aline, I share my appreciation for you firsthand. Thank you so much!!

This is right outside my apartment in Eysines.
It's not a castle, mais ça va (but that's okay ;).

  • I apparently look more like an actual Georgian (from Europe) than an American. 
  • Also, I have a German/Slavic accent???? I honestly don't know how that happened. 
  • French people tell me to work on my accent every time I contact them on the street. They should work on their manners simultaneously. 
  • On the bright side, I have a good Spanish accent. I trick Spaniards into thinking I actually know what I'm doing when I start spitting out Spanish words at them.
  • Shopping is a great reminder to me that I am a peasant with too good of taste.
  • Happy meals here come with a dessert!!! Guess what it is.......................a slice of cantaloupe............
  • It is a bad idea to practice your beat-boxing while getting ready in the bathroom. Don't ask me why.
  • "Blo-go-dare-iya"="thank you" in Bulgarian. Use it sometime.
This is an Asian family that was pretending to fly
around a plaza in Centerville in Bordeaux :)

So my family has already heard a little about Sœur Drumeva, who is a less-active member from Bulgaria (hence the last fact I learned) that we visit every week. She can't come to church because she is severely crippled by a disease that her and my mother actually have in common, multiple sclerosis. She is so wonderful, guys. I don't doubt for a second that I was sent to Eysines because of her. 

The first time I met her was about two weeks ago and it was seriously the most difficult rendez-vous I've ever had. Once I told her that my mother has the same disease, she took my hands and told me to never hide my love for her or waste anytime making her feel less than incredibly happy because the love and support of her only son has kept her from dying for so many years. After I started bawling, she started bawling, and then Sœur Gardner started bawling, and it was just a hot mess. A hot mess, people.

I learned that it's true, we need to show appreciation for those who we can't see in our present living situations. To not waste their time reading insignificant words. ESPECIALLY if they are your family. I love you so much, Mom. I don't tell you enough. You're the reason I work so hard, so that I can become half as strong of the woman you are someday.  Everyone who reads this, tell her happy graduation!!  My mom no longer goes to college, so everyone can stop using that joke. It is expired.

I wish I could help everyone take up Sœur Drumeva's advice and show appreciation. No, this isn't just me being selfish and wanting more letters either :) 

Life is but a short moment. Don't waste it! Sœur Danielle Haley Green
P.S. Pictures from Carcassone...

This is the famous Phelipe family! 

Our DMP from Carcassonne. This is the man who gave me his full-sized classical guitar 
because he wants to me to take it to America. I guess I have a new carry-on bag :)

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