Monday, August 5, 2013

How I Learned to Love Branching Out OR Gorging on Nutella because Life is Too Crazy to Not Have Chocolate in Your Mouth

How I Learned to Love Branching Out OR Gorging on Nutella because Life is Too Crazy to Not Have Chocolate in Your Mouth

Week "I-think-I've-already-lost-count"

I moved. AGAIN. I think I am going to die.

So you know how I was living in heaven and about to baptize all our investigators and have a grand ole spiritual party? Well, God thought it would be better for me to watch that all happen from Bordeaux. 

CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT? I took a spoon to the Nutella jar immediately after my mission president hung up the phone after he broke the news to me. 

I honestly feel like I just put all my kids up for adoption. To paint you a picture of that day, I had faucets for eyeballs and a garbage disposal for a stomach. I even got to go to Monsieur Mudarra's house and witness an opening of his heart to the gospel. AND THE PHELIPE FAMILY. I am going to miss their marriage and baptism. Andersen, the dad, offered a prayer that night thanking God that the sister missionaries could be a part of their family and change their lives. Torture was what that was, people. I'm not cut out for this gypsy nomad business.


  • Muslim men who are looking for a wife (or a second one) will come up to you on the street while you are just minding your own business and ask you straight up if you are a virgin as if it were a conversation at the dinner table. 
  • I am really good at pretending that I don't understand French when Muslims ask me if I am a virgin.
  • French word for sunset= Couche du Soleil. Translation: "Sleep of the sun." You're welcome.
  • Nutella does not cure all your problems. Or any problems for that matter.

If you know me personally, you know I am ridiculously timid. It's painful almost. Unfortunately, God knows this very well and thought it'd be cool to shake things up for the missionary who thrives in small towns. 

I currently reside in the little hamlet of Eysines in Bordeaux, population: five countries combined. The mission does this to me all the time, puts me in the most uncomfortable situations. And you know what, I'm okay with that. It's hard and sometimes the grocery stores run out of Nutella because you move around too much and need proper sustenance, but being uncomfortable stretches you. I've learned that I can do so much more than I thought I could before the mission. 

Spoiler alert: the obstacles you face are all actually blessings that teach you how to be awesome. How cool is life, I mean seriously. Life gives you Nutella too, so it can't be that bad.

Once again, I love you all. Not as much as Nutella, but I appreciate you beyond my capacity to describe in words. 

Peace out, internet. This pile of depressed, zombie flesh is off to eat more Nutella. 

Sœur Green


  1. Still with the strong writing voice! You're doing great work. Keep it up.
    -Mr. Chad Durham

  2. I love reading your posts, Danielle. You're such a good writer & and I'm so jealous of all your adventures! The work you're doing is wonderful -- you get to bring so much joy to people! (I guess I do too... sometimes... when they order the tiramisu.)
    Lots of love
