Cool miracle week! The Elders in Annecy found a woman they want us to teach (because she has had bad experiences with men and they don't want to freak her out). She's from Algeria and no longer practices Islam. She's so timid and sweet. She's already come to several activities at the church. We also found a woman from the Congo that told us that she had a dream about meeting us the night before, which is about 90% probable. Africans have lots of "those dreams" :). Maria and the gang are going well. We finally got ALL the family members to join us. I can't wait to piece this eternal family together. Maria is so incredible. She's still preparing for the 11th.
- Snails are actually quite delicious. Not to be cliché, but THEY TASTE LIKE CHICKEN.
- Gluten-free diets are great for the first week....and then it hits you that it's permanent.
- I have the worst sweet tooth known to man. It's a miracle I've never had a cavity. A miracle, folks.
I'm typing up a page from my study journal today. It's a messy jumble of ideas, but it's the message I'm offering you this almost New Year's Eve:
"I was reflecting a bit on my behavior an attitude as a first transfer and how that compares to now. After remembering many of my mistakes (and, naturally, seeing others mirror them), I noticed a pattern that most, if not all of us, seem to follow.
"One of the main sources that hinder us from making real progress is hinged on our capacity and humility to recognize a gap between what our words convey and is brought about by our actions. As a first transfer, I shared many opinions about how to work, how to treat others, how to do this aspect of missionary work, etc. But, it wasn't until recently that I noticed a gap that separated what I thought I believed and what I actually demonstrated.
"I believe that there is one important catalyst for personal growth that can truly be the hardest thing to accept, and that is to build a bridge that connects your thoughts to your actions, to RECOGNIZE an inconsistency and fix it, regardless of natural intentions. If I were to believe that I was as brave as Ghandi or as loving as Mother Teresa, why would I feel the need to work harder? Once I recognize consciously that there is something I must change, my actions will follow."
I ended my entry with a quote that I found shortly after:
"...There can be no success or happiness if the things we believe in are different from the things we do." -Freya Madeline Stark
C'est tout. I love you all. Even though it's been nine months, I still feel your love and support every day. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!
Sœur Green
Merry Christmas to all. The green juice is special sauce. Not guts.
Me and my new companion. Apparently there was another age change in France. |
Strike of the week: "Ambulance drivers in anger". I'll try to be more careful from now on. |
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