Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Picture Day!

Picture Day!

This is a painting Sœur Caldwell did for our investigator family. They are going through a rough patch and getting really discouraged. She's in the Master's program for design at BYU. Her talent is ridiculous.

I keep having Batman dreams where the Joker kidnaps our investigators and we have to go rescue them. More than a year on my mission and still true to my roots. 

So, there's this Finnish cartoon character called Muumi and it's the funnest thing to draw on thank you cards. Unfortunately, I only know three Finnish people. 

I really enjoy the south. Weird accents and strange food, but so many beautiful things to see and so many cool people. Miracle of the week: I talked to a man on the street who was completely atheist and closed off for the first ten minutes of our conversation until he told me he did his studies at Georgia Tech. Insert cool bonding moment and voilà. He left with our card. Small world!

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