Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Sitting in Libraries Gives Me the Warm Fuzzies.

Sitting in Libraries Gives Me the Warm Fuzzies.

So, I can only do emails on Tuesdays during the time I'm here because the médiathèque is closed on Mondays. It was a long Monday without emails. Great news: we have found some awesome people to teach. Bad news: everyone the missionaries were teaching before I got here have dropped off the face of the earth. At least we are staying neutral....

  • My companion lived in Spain for four months...and happens to know how to answer all my Spanish questions...
  • Plans that you have had for months or years can change. Instantly. Without you noticing until people ask you about them.
  • My grandmother is hip. Just so you know.

We taught the coolest lesson this week. This woman kept going on and on after our lesson how this force pushed her to give us her number when we met her on the street. She said the Sunday before (we met her on Tuesday) she had skipped church for the first time in her life because she felt like something was missing. And then she runs into two little Mollys shortly after. She said that God has answered her prayers to questions she has had for so long. Allow me to give you our perspective on the situation without the bias of hindsight: We saw her on the street in front of the grocery store and, without even having enough time to make a conscious decision, we were talking to her. God blesses us so much. That lesson was so incredible because we were both able to share this same feeling that nothing happens by accident and that God really placed us there for each other. She took a Book of Mormon gladly and wants to meet with us as soon as possible. Please pray that we can help her. Her name is Lucy and she is a lovely human being.

I bid thee adieu...at least until next Wednesday. Next Tuesday the whole mission will be at a Conference in Nice to hear Elder Andersen speak. I cannot express my enthusiasm in type, only in flailing arm movements. So, there's some imagery for you. 

Have a wonderful week, my dear friends.

Sœur Green

Family Home Evening: Cleaning the house to Michael Jackson music
and playing Jeopardy with the cutest little boy in the world.

We biked down a canal for an hour and a half to get to a lesson that ended up not happening.
At least I had my camera with me.

Random elevator in the middle of a bunch of trees to help people get from one parking lot to another.
Pointless, but makes a missionary feel like she got into Disneyworld for free.

Creepy selfie to show that my companion cut my bangs one morning.
Just woke up on Monday and felt the need for change.

Montauban is a big Carcassonne.
I forgot how different the southern accent is.

Me and Sœur Caldwell

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